The use of illegal narcotics is quite common in the United States. Penalties on drug charges can range (on the low end) from possession of a bong to (on the high end) sales of pounds of methamphetamine/marijuana/cocaine etc. Albers Criminal Law have been successful in defending people in all Montana state and federal courts on the whole range of such drug charges… including the complete dismissal of the charge(s) itself.

This is not the sort of case which lends itself easily to a conversation over the internet.  There are a few things to note.

Narcotics: Montana State Charges

Albers Law has been defending clients for over 20 years and understands well the seriousness of all crimes, especially drug crimes. While Montana law is much looser in terms of charges, there are still pitfalls you’ll need to be aware of. While your case may wind through the courts, the time frame is often much more extended, than in federal court.

State penalties for drug | narcotics charges tend to be less because the federal court is there to deal with extremely serious cases. Parole is usually available as is the possibility to have charges knocked down from a felony to a misdemeanor and can be dismissed. Please contact an attorney with Albers Criminal Law to discover how we can help you now.

Federal Drug Charges

If you are facing a prosecution in federal court for any drug crimes, you are likely to face great difficulty in proving your innocence. Federal law is governed by many detailed rules of procedure and often take a toll on any defendant which is why you need a competent, trusted attorney with experience in federal drug crimes.

The time frame to prosecute federal narcotics charges is usually very short, which is why we need to act as quickly as possible. Federal penalties tend to be quite severe, please call as soon as possible to talk with one of our attorneys. Your conversation is of course held in strict confidence.